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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Different Level

I remember hearing as a young person the adult class Sunday school teacher always proclaim “There’s a different devil for every level!” or something similar to that. Over the course of many years I would internalize that and it was very helpful in my life especially in the realm of education. I know that the saying was used to speak about how as we grow things don’t get easier they get harder but it has really been useful to me in terms of career. Every time I have planned and mapped out my life there, took the steps to get to where I was going, and then have God give it to me, I have faced a another devil.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

New Acappella Music!

Kanye West isn’t the only one with a new fire gospel album!  Our brother up north Gerald M Burnett Sr. released a gospel album recently and I can honestly say that it is the best one that I have heard in a long time! 

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Walk Don’t Run

 It is the refrain of every lower grade teacher in every school with linoleum floors, “Walk don’t run!”  I remember the energy and desire in elementary to HAVE to tag someone before it was too late! To hear the words “You’re it!” was unbearable so often times in order not to be “it” I had to chase someone, touch them, and then run away so as to not ever “it” again.  And in doing so the authority figures in the school did not understand that I HAD to run!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Blog: An Abel Bodied Runner

Simone Biles at the age of 22 years old is the most decorated gymnast in the history of the sport!  This young woman can do things that would hurt most people to even think about!  But there is a reason as to why she can do what she can do.  She is a hard-working athlete that probably eats nasty yet healthy food!  She does this because she wants to take care of her body! I remember a very intense game of Guesstures where I pulled the word flip and I turned a cartwheel! My ankles screamed silently within my body.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: Run Free 1

In this first sermon series we begin a new 7 week sermon series in partnership with the Western Hills Church of Christ. We see in this first sermon that we are all runners and that we don’t run alone!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

When Losing Weight...

The Hebrew writer states in Hebrews 12:1 “...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…”. It is important to understand that with running the race of life one must let go of some weight. This means that there may be some itching.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

What I Learned From Brandt Jean

I purposely avoided the case. I wanted to be free from the emotions that I knew would come. I didn't want my mind clouded by what others had to say. Yes another young African American had been killed. Yes he was a member of the Church of Christ. But I did not want to be controlled by the posts of other folks. I did a good job too! I dodged questions and comments about the case but someone sent me a text that she was found guilty. Shock overcame me! It was the same feeling that I felt when Obama won the election. I was too scared to feel good about it. I, being pessimistic, knew that something was going to go wrong.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: Forgiveness of Self

This was our third sermon in the thematic sermon series based on our 2019 theme “Forgiven”. The Bible is pretty quiet on the topic of the forgiveness of self but we do get some insight at how self inflicted guilt and grief can cause problems. We examine the end of Judas’ life and see how we as Christians can respond today. Check out the whole worship service stream by clicking HERE.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Blog: She's Got His Back

No truer words have been spoken than those found in Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.” A wife is an important and influential piece to the puzzle that is a family. As we have found from reading the word of God a prudent wife is from the Lord (Pr. 19:14). A wife from God will not only lead to a husband being a godly leader but will also be a support system for him.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: Laborers of Love

In this sermon series we take a look at the office of a deacon. I hope that you came back for PM worship to get the second half of this sermon!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Good, Better, Best...

Good, better, best…  You may have heard of a quote that is sometimes falsely attributed to St. Jerome.  When looking at this in several different scenarios you can start to get a feeling for what is being discussed here.  Pork chops are good, T-bone steaks are better, but filet mignon is the best! For the basketball lovers you may say Charles Barkley was good, Hakeem Olajuwon was better, but Jordan was the best!  Or if you’re looking at purses you may say Guess is good, Michael Kors is better, but Fendi is the best! I have no idea, I just did a Google search on purses and Fendi had a purse that was well over $5k!  No lie! Now think about this thought for a moment. When given a choice of good, better, and best… Which would you choose? Unless you are a consistent contrarian or angry because I didn’t say Lebron was the best you are going to choose for yourself THE BEST!  Upon reading a passage of scripture from Luke this week I found that there may be times when we choose good and better when God has offered THE BEST! Check out the text below.

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