When Losing Weight...

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The Hebrew writer states in Hebrews 12:1 “...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…”. It is important to understand that with running the race of life one must let go of some weight. This means that there may be some itching. There may be a desire to go back to doing the same things that once distracted our attention away from our race. Do not quit! One method that I have found to work wonders are spiritual disciplines. There are several ways to engage in this activity. There are several options available to choose from including; Prayer, Fasting, Journaling, Learning, Silence and Solitude, etc. A great resource to learn more about spiritual disciplines can be found in the book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney. You can purchase online by clicking here! Do not be discouraged, the itching is only temporary and with intentional righteousness that itch will soon disappear.

Check back here Sunday after the sermon for your Runner’s Regimen!


Runner's Regimen


What I Learned From Brandt Jean