Different Level
I remember hearing as a young person the adult class Sunday school teacher always proclaim “There’s a different devil for every level!” or something similar to that. Over the course of many years I would internalize that and it was very helpful in my life especially in the realm of education. I know that the saying was used to speak about how as we grow things don’t get easier they get harder but it has really been useful to me in terms of career. Every time I have planned and mapped out my life there, took the steps to get to where I was going, and then have God give it to me, I have faced another devil. I’ll explain a bit and let you decide if this saying is useful to you.
I remember after finishing up my first degree in Electronics Technology, a plan that I had mapped out from the time I was in the fifth grade, God opened a door to a career by the way of my preschool teacher! Yes that’s right Ms. Patsy Jones saw me come into Acer for an interview and after the interview she told the person who would be my boss, Jason M., “You better hire him!”. So it wasn’t my resume, it wasn’t my interview, it wasn’t my experience, but God placing her there for my next level. I got the job and all of a sudden I am a 20 year old with more money that I had ever had before. I had a full time job, great benefits, and had access to a 401K (Didn’t invest until a year later, thank you Phil Auten for explaining that to me). So I did what most young people with a good job would do, I wasted a lot of money! I built what was at the time a super computer, I got a two bedroom apartment (stupid I know), and I may have spent $600 on the PS3 among other silly things. I was doing great until I wasn’t! I showed little gratitude towards God. This money had a hold of me and I was in love with it for a moment. Then I was allowed to go through life. An avalanche began when someone broke into my car to steal my top of the line CD player from Circuit City (What’s a Circuit City?), a Blockbuster video (what’s that?!), and I got a ticket for driving without insurance! I believe it was someone who knew me but that’s a whole different story. Yes I had the money to pay for insurance but I chose to spend that on games, polo shirts, jersey’s, and fitted hats. Because of the lack of savings the car break in and the surcharge payments for driving without insurance hit me hard! And this God appointed trial allowed me to see that I had fallen into the trap of the adversary! This was an eye opening experience. I had been given a blessing by God to achieve what I had planned out, but when my life advanced my faith did not. I was an expert at dealing with the devils that existed prior to the blessing. I had no problem with the struggles that existed before the blessing. I had matured to a point where those old devils were not hard for me and God to overcome. But when I had access to another level there were some new adversarial things to face. Let me explain that word and get then get to my second trial.
In the Bible the devil is described as many things and different words are used to describe him. One such word in the Greek language is Diabolos (διάβολος) . It simply means adversary or enemy. Which is a good definition of what is happening. Understand that there is no need for an adversary if you are not competition! If you were on the same team then the devil would not be an adversary. There are times when the adversary will be allowed to try you, just as he did with Job! But remember no matter how hard the trial, it will not kill you!
Moving forward some ten or 11 years later I had overcome a lot. What I had considered to be my first level of adulthood lasted for only about two years. The second lasted a lot longer! I had much to learn! I was given more responsibility and God was putting me through it! It is funny how God will have you go through a longer term of trials to prepare you for a greater level! But that is just what He did! I was now a husband, father, and minister! In addition to that I had just received my Bachelor’s degree. As I stated before I mapped out what I wanted to accomplish, worked hard with God for it, and God gave it to me! But it was not without it’s challenges. This degree was significantly harder than the first two year degree. And what I noticed was that the harder the degree the more likely the profession in which you work will be. There would be more responsibility, more accountability, and more of a need to properly handle God’s time with my own. So now I feel as though I am on a different level. And now my problems of 11 years ago are simple things like money management, giving to God, and other things. But now I had to figure out how to make sure that I could be the most righteous version of all the things I had become. I had to figure out how to be more than a husband in name. Paul helped a lot with that in his letters to the Ephesians. I had to learn to be more than a partner in the making of children. My observation of God being my father helped in the way that I mix together discipline, training, and love. I had to learn to be more than just a person who proclaimed the message on Sundays. I had to learn to live a life consistent (not perfect) with what I taught, encourage, correct, rebuke, and all while being patient! Timothy had Paul for this portion of his life and I have B.B. Gatson.
I still currently work with and on these things and feel as though I have gotten better at some and still need to work on some things. At this moment in my life I feel as though there is another level coming. At times I get terrified of the things that God is doing because God blesses me with so much so fast that it is hard to believe! I will admit at times I am hesitant to accept the blessings because I don’t feel worthy. God has placed great people in my life (Ave G fam, Western Hills fam, Scott & Scott, McDonald fam, Haney fam, AGST, etc.), great leadership opportunities, awesome children, a GODLY wife (My good thing), and opportunities to be His representative in many places. I know what comes with that and I’m glad God feels that I am worthy.
I want everyone who has made the choice to read this far down to understand that this is not just applicable to education but it is what I have seen in my life. Please understand two things. When you seek higher education more is expected of you and you WILL have to figure out how to manage the less time you have among God and family. And if God is not getting the majority of the time expect for everything else to fall apart. Secondly I want you to understand that there are times when you will face the adversary and you will see no way out! You will think that God is punishing you. You may even feel as though God has left you alone! Please do not give up in these moments. I promise that God’s plan for His glory is inclusive of your moment in the pit. I promise that you will get to the other side and look back and say I KNOW it was God as you look down at the level you used to be on. Your next level is coming! Make sure that you’re sticking with God and help to bring others up!