Blog: She's Got His Back
In my younger days I remember being involved in fights. I don’t remember being the instigator in most cases but there were times when someone tried to physically intimidate and in that time of my life I was up for the challenge. For the keyboard warriors and perfect people, stick with me here I’m trying to teach something. When I would get into these fights I never feared being hit or hitting someone else. But one thing that I did not want to happen was to be hit by several people over and over! So if I got into a fight I always made sure that someone “had my back” if others tried to jump in. And I would return the favor! Having someone’s back assured me that I could focus on the task at hand, the jaw or bridge of someone’s nose. I had a support system while being a juvenile delinquent. As I have matured I have seen and understood the importance of having a great support system. Whether it be through networking, family, or a chat group. Church leaders need a positive support system and I believe that it all starts at home with their wives!
No truer words have been spoken than those found in Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.” A wife is an important and influential piece to the puzzle that is a family. As we have found from reading the word of God a prudent wife is from the Lord (Pr. 19:14). A wife from God will not only lead to a husband being a godly leader but will also be a support system for him. A godly wife will be shelter for her husband when he faces the harsh reality of God’s people which can at times be a bit harsh in their walk. But as stated also in Proverbs 12:4 “A good wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” Men if you are trying to be Bob Vila with a woman who needs to be fixed up you may want to take some time before you say “I do”. When looking at Biblical leadership it is not enough for a woman to be married to a qualified man with godly characteristics.
When looking at 1 Timothy 3:11 we see a description spelled out here. And while studying, I found that this could be talking about the wives of deacons or women who choose to serve as well. But we see here that the standard is not too far off from what is required of the men mentioned in the preceding verses. The verse states that they be worthy of respect. She needs to have a good reputation both inside and outside of the congregation. She can’t be a Christian one or two times a week. It states that she cannot be a slanderer. This means that she cannot run folks names through the mud. No matter how good it may make her feel to point out the flaws of others and share juicy news she cannot be involved. She has to have some self control as well. The church family may not always be able to see this. We may see a self controlled wife on Sundays and Wednesdays but miss out on Michelle Tyson on other days as she releases a fury of punches on her husband on other days. And it also states that they be faithful in everything. Can the wives of Biblical leaders be counted on? And one of the biggest things that will be examined is whether or not a man has his house in order as a leader. Believe it or not the wife plays a big part in that happening.
Don’t miss the order in this pic. It is important!
In several areas of NT text we find tied to the responsibility of the wife the duty of submission. This is hard today as submission has been warped by our culture into weakness. And that is not it at all. The enemy would have wives believe that submission is a four letter word, but that is not the case at all! I would say that it is more similar to meekness, in that it is power under control. I understand that that women have the ability to lead, I understand that they have the ability to innovate/invent, and I understand that they have the capacity to be strong! But our God is a God of order and not chaos. He would not have the eye to see, hear, and smell. Everyone within the home must play their part. The home team is much better if balance exists. The husband may have a pretty cool role. He is the Bill Belichick of the home. He directs, he leads, he inspires, he enforces, and he leads while following the instructions of his leader God (Robert Kraft). But Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft cannot throw a football as well as Tom Brady. The wife is Tom Brady in the home. She must respect the authority of Bill or risk upsetting Kraft! Through her actions in being in submission to Bill and performing great in her role she does many things! She inspires others on the team to follow her lead. The mother showing respect to the husband causes the children to want to do the same and in the future in their roles they will emulate what they see at home. The mother in her role also gains a following for the whole of the team! Like Tom Brady makes the Patriots the second most popular franchise to the Dallas Cowboys, the wife will do the same for the Church! If the wife does her job then God gets the glory and the franchise continues to shine well past her years! When I speak of the wife having his back I am speaking of having HIS back. The wife in being faithful to her biblical role has God’s back! She is making sure that the church flourishes in her own way as her husband serves in his way! Look at the order of God!
Sidebar: It pained me very much to speak of the Patriots organization in a positive light and I promise to do my best to never do it again. Go Cowboys!