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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Mother's Day Video

The youth of Avenue G CoC have a special Mother’s Day video! They are going to tell you how they feel about their mothers BUT not until Mother’s Day @ 3PM!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: Obedience Always Leads to Financial Blessings

In the second week of our sermon series we examine the idea of “Obedience Always Leads to Financial Blessings”. This is a concept that has gotten many into trouble causing them to doubt either themselves or God. It also gives room for the prosperity Gospel to grow. Take a listen and then join us next Sunday at 10:30 for worship!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Blog: “Obedience always leads to financial blessings”

I remember watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a kid, the good one (1971 version), and I was sucked into the world of candy! This story was every fat kids dream and I was not exempt! What if I could eat grass, trees, and drink from chocolate rivers! The movie took a quick turn for the worse as the kids would be somewhat tortured and chastised for doing what I would have done. Looking back at this movie it is a bit of fantasy… OK it’s all fantasy! But what I loved the most was Charlie’s story.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Ave G CoC Podcast

We encourage everyone to subscribe and listen to our podcast Ave G CoC podcast on both Apple and Android devices! We upload sermons, interviews, singing, shows, and more! Subscribe today by clicking one of the links below.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Blog: A Table Comes Home

It is amazing how this meeting of people at the communion table are connected from the past and how we are still connected in the present.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Blog: The Bible Doesn't Say That (Week 1)

“God helps those who help themselves.” It sounds like a statement that could be included in the Bible but upon further examination it cannot be found. 

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: He Came, He Died, & He Rose

This sermon marks the 8th week in our sermon series “Crucify Him”. In this series we examined the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ as he journeyed to the cross. The last week of the sermon series we combined with the Western Hills Church of Christ to worship God and ministers Scott Myers, Scott Seela, and Chris Stephens all delivered messages. It was a great time in the Lord!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

W.N.B.C.: The Power of The King (Eph. 1:15-25)

This is the adult Bible class for Wed. night. It is not the most polished class but this series is made for questions and the input of the class. If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: The Good Thief

On this week we take a look at the two thieves crucified with Jesus. We examine how a thief can be good and what it takes for evil hearts to come to know God. After you listen come worship with us in person!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: From Misfortune to Blessing

In this week’s sermon we see the man Simon of Cyrene made to carry the cross of Jesus by Roman soldiers. How will this brief encounter with a man coming to celebrate the Passover change your life? Listen to find out!

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

A Sweet Surprise?

    My children are no different than any other children. They love playing outside, love YouTube, and they most definitely LOVE sweets! It has not been long since my 33rd birthday passed and my wife made me a lovely steak dinner and some cake balls! Imagine your favorite cake in bite sized balls, always moist, and surrounded by hardened chocolate! Yes! Wipe the drool off of your mouth. So of course I don't want to share those and my children want to devour them. 


    After begging for two days to have some I finally relented but I wanted them to work for them! I only get one birthday a year so to have some of my special treats they would have to earn it! They get off the bus and ask for some and I tell them that they must write me a story.  It must have four pages (they write big, so it's actually two pages), it must have (beginning, climax, & end), and it must be completed by the time I get off from my part time job. One of my children counteroffers me with $5 for one cake ball. While I did think about taking the $5 I figured it not best to help this child be a bad steward so I declined. The offer was accepted and I left to go to work.   And yes I consulted with my wife and got the OK to give them sweets late night.


    I get home from a great shift singing a new song that came up in my playlist and what do I find on the table!?!? It was the story!  It was written on one piece of paper with two columns per side, with the header of page number at the top of each columns. The story was a long rambling of words that abruptly ended.  And there were a lot of misspelled words, in spite of the fancy new dictionary I just bought them. But I loved the fact that they did their best and put forth the effort! I wanted to reward them for that! I then went to our refrigerator as quiet as a mute in a movie theater.  With hands as soft as Odell Beckham I opened the Tupperware and grabbed two of the biggest cake balls I could find!  I snuck around the corner to one daughter's room poked my head through the door and suddenly in shock was looking at an empty bed!!  I rushed to my other daughter's room and there they were playing around after their bed time! Momma knocked out from a long day of work, volleyball practice, and dinner prep. But they were caught in the act of being disobedient. 


    I held the cake balls in my hand saddened by the turn of events. One daughter was sleep as she was supposed to be. I had told them that when it was time I would wake them up. But the one other daughter was obedient to a certain point. I asked her with pain in my heart "Why did you do this?" She looked sad. And worst of all she had the youngest sister with her playing around! I'm no different than any father is with his daughters I still wanted to give her what she desired but I realized that if I had she would miss out on an important lesson. She was obedient to her father up until a certain point and influenced someone else to be disobedient. In the end I showed her the reward that she had desired the whole day. Then I told her that I could not give it to her. It wouldn't be fair for her, it wouldn't be right for the youngest to see bad behavior rewarded, and it wouldn't be right for me to go against my wife's wishes for them to be in their own beds and rooms. In the end she went away saddened by what she had lost.  


    I sat and thought about this situation for a moment and thought about this and how it applies to the children of God. We want what reward that the Father has to offer through Jesus. We all want heaven, we all are at some point obedient, and we do our best! God understands that we may fall short at times. He understands that what we have to offer Him, He doesn't need.  He also still wants to reward and be with us! But what if we are obedient in His kingdom for a time and then once we become comfortable we begin to stop doing what we are supposed to do?  What if we stop putting forth an effort to be obedient. We know when we are going through the motions. And what if in the middle of all that He returns?!!  A lot of people would answer these questions and state "God knows my heart!" That's true! But will he stop being a just God?  Will He reward those who remained faithful AND those who did not? He would not be fair if He did. 


    It's easy to be distracted in our lives. We get lost in the days, weeks, months, and years! But if we make sure that our lives are God driven and kingdom focused we can stay on the right path. Don't miss out on your sweet reward trying to create a temporary one here on this Earth.  

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Christopher Stephens Christopher Stephens

Sermon: Crucify Him!

In the third week of our new sermon series we took a closer look at Jesus before Pilate. Pilate had the power to release Jesus and recognized His innocence. How does he respond?

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