Blog: The Bible Doesn't Say That (Week 1)
I stumbled across an idea for a sermon series that really caught my attention. As we live in an era of technology most of our “truths” come from sources online with little to no fact checking. One of my favorite items that intentionally make fun of our culture’s inability to fact check is this meme to your right…
Our inability to fact check has caused us to believe that many things we see online are true. I myself have fallen for a couple. And this usually happens when something is available that reinforces a belief that you strongly believe in. In week one we will examine the popular phrase…
“God helps those who help themselves”
“God helps those who help themselves.” It sounds like a statement that could be included in the Bible but upon further examination it cannot be found.
Taken from Bible Gateway Blog (Article)
There are many who believe the saying to have been popularized by Benjamin Franklin, a deist, or have its origins in one of Aesop’s Fables. This philosophy of life is one in which mankind relies on self first and then God responds. We do not see this in God’s word. On this Sunday we will take a look at this saying and what God has to say in Mt. 6:25-33.