Blog: “Obedience always leads to financial blessings”

Interesting story on the title found here

Interesting story on the title found here

I remember watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a kid, the good one (1971 version), and I was sucked into the world of candy! This story was every fat kids dream and I was not exempt! What if I could eat grass, trees, and drink from chocolate rivers! The movie took a quick turn for the worse as the kids would be somewhat tortured and chastised for doing what I would have done. Looking back at this movie it is a bit of fantasy… OK it’s all fantasy! But what I loved the most was Charlie’s story.

Charlie got a golden ticket, thought about stealing some stuff, got high with his grandpa (they floated but I have your attention now), and towards the end of the movie he was the last kid left! He won right?! He knew that he would be the winner but Mr. Wonka informed him that he did not win. I know he changed his mind but watching the movie in the moment it seemed a bit unfair to have been in the group, done most things right, and then be told that he would not be rewarded. For Charlie his reality would end on a high note floating in a flying elevator. But as Christians we can be on the right “team”, do most things right, and still have it pretty tough here!

That is why in this week’s sermon for our new series “The Bible Doesn’t Say That” we examine the phrase “Obedience Always Leads to Financial Blessings”. This is one that I have heard thrown around and there is even a version of the gospel that has been created by man called the Prosperity Gospel!

The truth of the matter is that God’s word simply does not teach these things. We will take a look at the epistle of Philippians as Paul writes to this church in Ephesus from PRISON! No Paul was not about that thug life, he was wrongly imprisoned for proclaiming truth! And as we will see this Sunday obedience to God does not guarantee favorable circumstances. It is possible to be faithful and suffer. It is possible to be faithful and prosper. The secret to this is going to be learning to be content with the providence of God. Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30!

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Sermon: Obedience Always Leads to Financial Blessings


Sermon: "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"