Dwelling in the Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3

This week I chose Genesis 12:1-3 as my text for Dwelling in the word.


I have to be honest in saying that I envy the clear direction from God that Abraham was given. It is challenging but Abram knows where he stands. I tried switching versions so that maybe I could get something else but even in The Message version of the passage the message was unchanged. If Abram does this odd and random thing in obedience to God, God will bless him, curse his enemies, and bless the world. I prayed for the type of clarity that Abraham got from God. I thought about all the uncertainty that now exists and then I closed my eyes in silence to wait for God. In examining the blessings I see great Nation, personal blessing, great name, a blessing for others, blessing for others who bless, curse for those who curse, blessing to the world. There are four blessings that point outward and three that point inward. I may be reaching but there are seven blessings for Abraham. Obedience to God ensures that God stays in the plan and the outcome is his will. In the end I am still a bit envious. Upon refocusing, I see that being obedient to God is not always as simple. It would be very difficult to abandon what is normal and comfortable. There is also a lot of uncertainty involved as well. God asks him to abandon everything so that he and others could have what would be everything. I will be honest my brain is clouded at the moment and I am trying to make sense of it all.


Dwelling in Scripture: Isaiah 52:7-12


Dwelling in Scripture: Luke 4:14-30