Dwelling in Scripture: Isaiah 52:7-12
The text chosen to dwell this week is Isaiah 52:7-12.
Looking at this the beginning of the text was a bit odd. To me it was saying that those who bring good news are beautiful. For some reason my heart began to dwell on what happens when I have to deliver bad news. I thought about how I was then perceived. But I got back on track. This text made me feel protected as I thought about the God I serve and how He is described in this text. He comforts His people, redeems his people, shows his power so that all the earth can see, and He is about salvation! The descriptive nature of verses 7-10 were only a setup for what came next. If God is all of these things to me and His people, my response should be what comes after. I cannot make myself unclean. I thought about how this applies today. There were many ways to become unclean then but what makes one unclean now? It is not dead bodies or sick people. My heart defiles. My heart must be in the process of continually transforming into what Jesus Christ was. To bear the vessel of the Lord stood out to me in this text as well. I have the privilege of having the Holy Spirit within me. But how do I bear? Is it a burden or privilege? Verse 12 was a bit perplexing to me. Is it saying that I won’t have to rush out because God has my back? Or is it telling me to take my time? In either case God is still who He is defined as being in verses 7-10. I believe it is closer to the first with a similar thing being stated in the next line. The last part of verse 12 is shouting ground for me though. God not only has my back but He has my front too! He has my past covered and my future, He is present today and yesterday and tomorrow, He walks with me in the storm and prepares for me a dwelling place in the storm to come! I like this passage. I have probably read it before but it is not familiar. I only pulled up the verses present on Bible Gateway. I pray God that I will forever keep it present in my heart of who you are for your people and that I may be bold in everything I do within the Kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen!