Sabbatical Reflections: Embracing the Call to Be the Church

This week of my sabbatical I was invited to share a word with our dear friends at the Western Hills Church of Christ. Scott Myer was in preparation for a new series that he is beginning that will cover the whole Bible in chronological order and he was afforded the opportunity to invite others to speak while preparing. As I inch closer and closer to my return to Avenue G I knew that I wanted to be more engaged in preaching the word. So I preached first to them the message that I have prepared for Avenue G my first Sunday back.

I do not want to get into spoilers but at this point in my sabbatical time and culture seem to be airing reruns. In the last presidential election cycle I was exposed to who people saw as their world changers and ultimate power. Unfortunately I saw Christians living in fear, choosing culture over Christ, and spreading a Constantinian Christianity. I am seeing a rerun and I wish that I could change the channel. But I am thankful that I am a proclaimer of the word of God. As ministers I believe that we are called to BOTH proclaim and challenge the people of God to obey Him. Too often ministers are strong armed into preaching messages that does not rock the boat or challenge the best givers or power groups/families. Thankfully, I was given the opportunity at Western Hills to speak freely and candidly.

I chose to come from one scripture and I challenged every believer there to BE THE CHURCH. The Church or Ekklesia in Greek, was a political term in the ancient near eastern culture. And when someone was a part of an Ekklesia, or called out group of people, they were charged with carrying the influence and changes that needed to happen in the larger polis (city). Jesus could have used any word for what He would establish as being the catalyst for His Father’s mission but He chose Church(Ekklesia). We are called out to transform not assimilate, we are called out to live in hope not in fear, we are called out to bring others into the family of God not into political parties that only know Him when it is convenient for their platform. Come to Avenue G Church of Christ @ 9:30 AM on September 29th for the full version of this message! Invite all Christ believers that you know!

My takeaway from Western Hills was this. There needs to be ministers who are not afraid to rock the boat, stir the pot, and cause friction. God’s people do not usually do well among people who are unwilling to do such things. If you have a minister that seems unwilling to challenge the church perhaps writing an email with a vote of confidence would help. As ministers, we often only hear about negative things presented. Let your minister know that you have his back and want to be challenged by the word of God! Let him know that you desire to be poured into MORE!

My Prayer:

Most Sovereign God, Ruler of the Universe and Authority of Authorities. I trust you. Whoever is voted into office will be the candidate that you have allowed in this land. I know that Christians have existed in every type of government, society, and culture throughout. You do NOT change and I pray that you will bless us as your people to not change either. We know the talking points of our favorite candidates and our rival ones but we also know that when you SPEAK there is life! You do not need eloquent words to persuade or fear tactics, we know that if you say “Let there be…”, it is! Let there be love, let there be unity, let your mission go forth as the Godhead would have it to, let the Spirit transform hearts, let the fear dissipate, let our confidence be in You, let our HOPE look forward in anticipation of Jesus’ return, and let your Church BE THE CHURCH!

In Jesus Name, AMEN!


Ave G Youth Day 2024: Reflections, Resources, and Recommendations


Daily 🍞 9/13/24