Article: Can You See?
Who remembers the character Velma from the old TV show Scooby Doo? I remember as a kid seeing her lose her glasses at very inopportune times. Then she would crawl around on the floors with her hand sweeping back and forth frantically searching for them. I thought to myself “How foolish is this? Her world fell apart and she cannot function due to her glasses coming off?” Now, as an adult every morning when I wake up my world is out of focus. I look over at the window and see light, my children come to the door and they are blurry blobs, and worst of all if my glasses fall off the nightstand I am now Velma! Seeking and searching, unable to continue my day until they are found! I believe that is what our lives are like without God. We lack the focus and clarity to fully understand what His will is for us individually and collectively. We all have different types of vision issues. Some of us have myopic conditions (nearsightedness) and cannot see things that are far away and so we live our lives as though God does not have victory and win in the end. We have no hope because we cannot see what lies ahead. Some have a problem with seeing things up close (hyperopia) and lack the ability to see things up close. We cannot see that we are not truly alone in this world with brothers and sisters in Christ to be a support, we lose the ability to see blessings that we possess and covet others blessings, or we miss the present moments and opportunities for discipleship of self and others. Then there are some who suffer from astigmatism, they have blurry vision and when they see the light it is very distorted. When they see the light that God shows they are intrigued by it but it is distorted. These are those who believe that God has a racial or gender preference, those who extort people for money in the name of the Lord, or those who engage in syncretism and believe that God is Republican or Democrat. Then there are the blind who believe that they can see but have never seen the world that God would have exist because they do not know Him. I could go on and on all day about vision problems but I would rather point you towards the very practical brother in Christ James.
Through God’s lens
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.“ - James 1:5
The good news is that we do not need top-notch insurance for the spiritual vision connection that God presents to us. Ask God for wisdom today! I promise there is no copay! Wisdom allows you to see the world as God intended!