Article: Race Relations Revisited

While scrolling through Facebook today I came across a video that I had completely forgotten about. I forgot that I even did the interview honestly. That caused me to wonder if I had forgotten because of an improvement of the situation or because it was not the hot topic of news outlets. In 2020 the world was slowed down to a halt due to the pandemic and people were forced to pay attention to things that often went unnoticed because of the busyness that exists in our lives. Have we made improvements in this area?  Have we made an attempt to listen and seek to understand?  Has the Church made strides in responding to the problem of racism? Check out the video below and I will let you decide.

If the embedded video does not display correctly you can watch the video by clicking HERE.


Dwelling In Scripture: Acts 1:1-8


Dwelling In Scripture: Matthew 10:1-19