Dwelling in Scripture: John 20:19-23
I had a moment with my dwelling this week! I am existing in turmoil and chaos right now. I am dealing with REDACTED AS IT CONCERNS THE PRIVATE MATTERS OF MEMBERS. One of our members passed away three days ago. The text that happens to fall next is John 20:19-23. In this text the disciples are existing in chaos and fear. Their leader is gone! They are afraid of what they should not have to be afraid of, their religious leaders. And this is happening on the literal resurrection day of Jesus.
A day that we see as a day to celebrate! Jesus decides to just appear among them, and His words are not used to explain away what is happening, it is real! He does not give them a plan to escape what is happening. But he still calls on them to be at peace. I find it humorous that his method of bringing peace is to show them gnarled flesh. But this spoke to me, especially when their response to this is gladness! They are reminded at that moment, that He spoke about this. He is victorious. He then says something else that would not seem to be what you would say to comfort someone basically telling them “You should be at peace. Because the same way my Father sent me, which led to death and mangled flesh, I am now sending you.” But one who is glad about Jesus sees beyond mangled flesh and the permanence of death. They see life! Life with God. And when Jesus decides to breathe on them and it is representative of the Holy Spirit, I see that the life which flows from God is not one that one must wait until death for but comes now. There is chaos in my life now, but I get to participate in the kingdom of God, and I am not alone!