Spiritual Gumbo?
While looking through Judges in preparation for a sermon based on the faith of Gideon I noticed that he did not have a relationship with God. The people of God were confused about God as well. Gideon could not understand that the current plight of the people of God were caused by their idolatry and syncretism. The people of God had no problem with mixing different gods and religions together to get what they “needed” to feel comfortable and safe. They did not mind praying to YHWH and Baal because in their minds both could do something about rain which in turn help their belly and pockets get fat. They did not mind crying out to YHWH and Asherah because they both could provide help with love, war, and divination. If God did not give a response or answer to their liking they would seek out these other foreign gods for an answer as to how they should live their lives. This caused major problems, so much so that they were stuck in a cycle of destructive behavior caused by their adulteress actions and could not see themselves. There is no hope of a people returning to God for peace and true life if they are blinded by other lovers and methods of “peace”. So, I began to look at us today. What are we confused about? What have we unknowingly adopted and made true? What is causing us to miss the true source YHWH?
Devotion to God is not like a gumbo where you throw variety into a pot and pray for the best.
Burning Sage
“The ritual of sage burning has its roots in Native American tradition. Today, people burn sage and other holy herbs to cleanse a space or environment of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing.”
Heb. 10:19-25: God gives us a clear conscience.
Eph. 1:15-23: God is far more powerful than any negative energy/power. We have power through Christ, He defeated that which defeats.
James 4:7: Resist the devil. Simply resist!
“…people engage in astrology with the intention of knowing themselves better and increasing their self-awareness. Studies show that astrology can greatly influence and even validate a person's self-concept, as well as increase their certainty about their personal attributes.”
Gen. 1:27- We are created in the image of God to reflect that same image outwards towards all humanity. Want to know more about yourself? Get to know God. We act how we act based on whom we serve, not signs.
Rom. 12:2: We transform by having our minds renewed by God.
Prov. 8:17: Seek God sincerely in His word, you will find Him.
New-age healing in the Western world has ties to the British, and more specifically paganism.[9] While many people may not want to practice animal sacrifice, modern practices have simplified many ancient rituals and practices, making them more available, and attractive to those in Western society.[9] Western astrology is also used with crystals, and ties into modern paganism.[9] Practitioners believe certain stones align with and share properties with certain planets.[9] Often people turn to crystal healing when they become dissatisfied with modern medicine and people are looking to revive cultural traditions from older generations.[9]
John 11:25: Seek out doctors God has blessed us with. But also realize that everyone will eventually die. But our death is NOT final.
1 Thess. 4:13-18: Christians do not stay dead.
Mt. 9:12, 1 Tim. 5:23, Lk. 10:33-34: The Bible believes in science in medicine
I know that I missed some. These are the ones that I could think of right off the top of my head. What did I miss? Comment below.