Ave. G Church of Christ

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Article: How to Become A Christian

    I pray that this sermon series has both been informative and a means of apologetics for those who needed a reminder.   Today we will close out the series by explaining how to become a Christian.  We began by highlighting the problem of sin.  Sin separates us from God, puts a strain on our relationship with God, and makes our death a surety.  That first sermon should have left a bad taste in your mouth, I hope.  This is because we have no way of responding to sin by ourselves.  The next sermon spoke about the key, which is faith.  It unlocks the door back to our being in a relationship with God.  We examined father Abraham and how God works overtime through faith.  But faith alone would prove to not be enough either!  But have no fear!  Yahweh God is a God who PLANS!  In the third sermon series, we examined it as though it were a multifaceted diamond, the plan of God.  This plan is called the Gospel.  God had a plan for our salvation before we even needed salvation.  And finally in our fourth week today, we examine how to take advantage of that plan by obeying the Gospel!

    Many of us who grew up in the church are very familiar with the verse Acts 2:38 but how exactly does this all work? I will make this very plain. Are you ready? God does all the work we just receive the benefits. We first must understand the Gospel. If you do not get a teacher, one who understands what it is that God is/was doing. Then I need you to do what Peter told the great multitude on the day of Pentecost “repent and be baptized”. To be a recipient of God is that simple! What are you waiting for? Obey the Gospel now!

Check out our whole sermon series below…