Blog: Love More

When thinking about love it is one of the most talked about commands and ideas of the Bible. If a minister has little time to prepare for a sermon, he will more than likely prepare a sermon on love.  But what about the church and love among them?  At the Ave G. CoC we have the mission statement of People of More.  The second phase of it involves the love of brothers and sisters in Christ. This love focuses on the horizontal and vertical love, that is the love shown towards God and each other within the church. It is pointless to try to show a love toward the lost if we cannot show it towards each other. So this week while looking at this concept the word fellowship made an appearance.  It is a multifaceted word in that it is used to describe a lot of different things in God’s word.  It is used to describe contribution by Paul in the second epistle to Corinth, it is used to describe sharing as in our text in Acts, and it is used to describe a community with commonality.  Let’s take a closer look at these.








Sermon: Learn More


Sermon: Forgiveness Of Past