3rd Annual Church Picnic
3 year anniversary gift
In a marriage the 3 year anniversary gift is leather. That’s a strange one right?! But the gift is meant to symbolize reaching a stage of flexible durability. This body of believers who meet on the corner of Avenue G and 11th street in Temple Texas have learned to be leather. Over the course of our existence this body has been overall patient with the vision of leadership as we have asked you to do some uncomfortable and unfamiliar things in the name of kingdom building. No song books, no problem! Combined worship, “let’s do it!” Combined sermon series, “say no more!” The flexibility, endurance, and beauty of this congregation has not gone unnoticed and I believe I speak for the whole of leadership when I say I am thankful for you all! Let us continue towards maturation in a positive way and continue to be flexible yet durable for the purpose of God!