Your Voice
This past week I was invited to attend 3 events/meetings. I was shocked to get these invites because I do not often think that I am on many folks radar. But this week was different. The Salvation Army next door invited leadership from Ave. G to a lunch and meeting. The city of Temple invited Ave. G leadership to a focus group. And the coordinators for an event called The Gathering invited us to attend. There are many of us who live within the city limits of Temple Texas and often times our needs go unmet. We lack the parks we want, the grocery stores, the activities for our children, and many other things. But what if I told you the reason why we lack is because we have no voice… It is not because it has been taken away, it is not some scheme by big brother, and it is not by accident. Our voice is not heard because we are often times not present to speak!
Salvation Army
Drayton Mclane Jr.
The beef stroganoff, croissants, and salad were great but the information gained was even better! If you have ever wondered what goes on within the locked doors of this building you are about to find out! This building is geared towards erasing negative dilemmas in the lives of women, men, and families! It serves as a shelter for men women and children, serves 3 meals daily (2 snacks), has laundry facilities, has a computer lab & library, case managers for EVERY person, and transportation assistance! There is a community meal every Friday at 5:30 pm. There is a community food pantry open 5 days a week. Rental assistance for those who need it. Utility assistance to prevent power disconnection. There is a rehousing program for shelter and outreach clients. What I love most about this place is the fact that they offer everyone an opportunity to turn their lives around in 90 days. People actually go from being homeless to having homes for themselves and their families along with a steady income! But in order for this to continue there is a need for volunteers and donors. Here are some of the ways I feel as though Ave G can assist in a great way.
Prepare serve shelter and community meals
serve in Vacation Bible School
Assist with the food pantry program
Assist in the Reading program
Donate goods or funds to the food pantry
Partner with them for life skills training such as budgeting classes, celebrate recovery, and more!
City of Temple
While attending the focus group for the city of Temple I learned that I had been invited to attend a meeting for input from religious leaders in the city about planning for the next 5+ years of development in Temple. We hear and we have input about all the foolish things being done within our city limits. We talk about the need for a high school, youth activities, adult activities, stores, grocers, parks, etc… But when I accepted that invitation I did not think that I would be the only minority to do so. The planning team Halff Ass. from Austin asked for our input and no one was there from “Inner City” Temple. I thought it was funny that they kept calling the place where most minorities live the “Inner City”. But I want you to know that the representatives that showed up from Vista Church, Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church, all chose to speak up for the inner cities instead of their own sides of town! There was talks about how East Temple was neglected, how the bus system is not properly setup for those who rely on it to get to work, and how there was a need for fresh produce on the East side. I can’t bring up everything discussed but I can tell you that the city and its planners want the people in the Inner city to speak up so that they can make the right decisions. In the end the majority of religious leaders present wanted there to not be a East Temple, West Temple, South Temple, and a North Temple. They simply wanted us to be one UNIFIED Temple! If you want your voice to be heard go and attend one of these public meetings and DO NOT FORGET to fill out a survey!
The Fellowship Gathering
There is a large group of area churches wanting to get together for fellowship and fun. On June 21st there will be an evening of worship and unity. On June 22nd there will be a community wide festival from 4PM to 10PM which will include some major fun. There will be a kids zone, live entertainment, free food, vendors and more. Come out to enjoy a day full of fun!