The Screwtape Letters


     Over the weekend while looking for a new audiobook I found that The Screwtape Letters were one of the highest rated! I had a deal through Google for a free audiobook book. And while I am still leaning towards the 45 hour "It" novel, I remembered I had the book. 


     Here's a brief description from spark notes: In a brief preface, C.S. Lewis says he discovered the bundle ofScrewtape’s letters somewhere, but will not say how he managed to come across them. Screwtape is a devil, he warns the reader, and Screwtape’s version of events, therefore, should not be taken as the truth. Then the letters begin. In them, Screwtape advises his nephew, Wormwood, on how best to tempt a British man, called only “the Patient,” into sin and, eventually, into Hell. Wormwood is an inexperienced devil, and he hasgone to a training college to help prepare him to tempt humans into sin. Screwtape complains, however, that this college has taught Wormwood nothing because of its incompetent director, Slubgob. By the second letter, readers learn that the Patient has converted to Christianity and has begun going to church. The Patient is most likely in his mid-thirties and he lives with and takes care of his aging mother.


    This quote stuck out to me as I began rereading. It was written to Wormwood on how to deal with a new Christian. How to help to create a distraction while in worship or at the church building. He writes to Wormwood to cause the new Christian to focus on others so that they can be distracted.  

 "All you then have to do is to keep out of his mind the question 'If I, being what I am, can consider that I am in some sense a Christian, why should the different vices of those people in the next pew prove that their religion is mere hypocrisy and convention? '"

~C. S. Lewis~ "The Screwtape Letters"


    This collection of fictional yet eye opening letters can reveal who we are to self as well as reveal some tactics that The enemy uses against us. Check out the book by clicking the link HERE