Interesting Read & Book Reccomendation

    I recently came across a good read for marriages.  It is a book called "Seventy Seven Irrefutable Truths Of Marriage".  If you want your marriage to stay healthy you've got to figure out ways to keep building and improving upon it!  Here's a piece I found to be interesting.



    “I’m so sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to say that,” the wife explained to her husband. Have you ever offered such a weak apology?

The truth is, we really do mean what we say. Jesus confirmed this, “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34b NIV). If it were not in our hearts, then we wouldn’t say it.

Proverbs 18 reminds us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Life is only speaking what the Father tells you to say to your spouse. Death is speaking out of your flesh—your hurt, anger and pain.
Speaking life is:

  Affirming your mate’s character and actions.

  Accepting your mate’s strengths.

  Encouraging your mate’s destiny and potential.

  Listening before you speak.

  Sharing the truth in love.

  Repenting quickly.

  Forgiving even before your mate’s repents.

  Saying only what the Father tells you to say.

What can be done if your spouse is speaking death to you? Interrupt respectfully and ask, “Did the Father tell you to say that?” Try this. Ask your partner to pray before she proceeds. If your partner keeps speaking death, refuse to listen. Explain that you do not choose to receive death, and then leave the room.

  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Prov. 18:20–21

Keefauver, L., & Keefauver, J. (2002). Seventy-seven irrefutable truths of marriage (pp. 15–16). Gainesville, FL: Bridge-Logos Publishers.



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Christopher Stephens