Happy MLK Day!

Check out this video.  There have been some improvements since the time of the speech below and that's promising.  But there are other things mentioned here that are still the same. 

Check out the video below.


"It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps." Martin Luther King Jr.


    I truly believe that his comments about the finances is what cost him his life ultimately and not race issues. His ideals about guaranteed annual income and ending poverty in America instead of spending billions on wars and space science were probably more damaging for him. Do you believe his attacks on poverty cost him his life? I believe that if he was successful in bringing together the poverty stricken people of all nations he could have sparked the movement that would over throw the corrupt Uber rich and powerful. But he did not and the super rich seem to control everything today still by keeping the poor and middle class folks fighting over things that do not really matter. Just my thoughts.