Long Road

    It's been a long road here but it's finally happened!   I have been going after this degree here for what seems like 15 years!  And today on January 10th 2018 I passed my exit exam!  My graduation date is set for May 19th!  


    I remember this journey started out as me testing the waters.  Some time back I was enrolled to be a teacher and a coach.  I did not like the idea of uprooting my family based on how talented someone else was or how serious people took sports so I made a decision.  I would find another route to use the things that I was passionate about.  I knew that I loved to teach, I loved youth, and I loved God.  I couldn't believe that it took me so long to see what was right before my eyes!  I was going to work in God's kingdom.  I had taught Sunday school since high school, I was already preaching from time to time, and already working with my former youth minister it was a no brainer!  So I did what any other person would do and I started Googling!  I knew that I couldn't leave my home because I had to be there for at least five years due to the first time home buyers agreement, so Southwestern Christian College and Abilene were out of the question.  I was lost...


    I went to a Texas State Youth Conference soon after and met a man by the name of James Thompson who taught the counselor's class and I was blown away!  The simplicity of his explanation for hard subjects was impressive to say the least.  I asked him where he went to school and he stated that at that time he was attending Austin Graduate School of Theology!  I told him that I would check it out.  Then that same summer we had a minister by the name of George Williams come and do a Gospel Meeting and he brought that message in a way that I had never heard before.  It was so simple to understand!  I remember a man standing up and saying "What do I need to do to be saved?".  My mind was about 75% made up! 


    I did not think that I could match up to anything that either of these men could do but I decided to contact the school.  I got in touch and a woman by the name of Celeste Scarborough told me that I should take a course with Alan McNicol as he would be teaching The Letters of Paul.  This great man won me over with his wealth of knowledge and his love of God.  I went all the way in and decided this was the place to be!  I was impressed by the students and staff.  Starting classes off with prayer, using our Bibles in class, and rolling ideas off of each other.  I met so many great people here.  The professors at this school are top notch!  From the great lectures of McNicol, to the vast knowledge of Stanglin, to humor of Peterson these guys will NOT be forgotten!  I cannot forget about Napier either, this man is on another level!  I'll be posting his sermons soon and you'll see why!  Oh and I cannot forget about Dr. Shipp either!  I heard so many horror stories about him before finally taking him.  I was terrified being in his class!  But he challenged me to be more than someone who just repeats what was told to me in the Interpreting the Bible course.  He made me THINK!  I shouldn't have named people because I'll forget someone!  Oh yeah Todd Hall!  Beautiful man with a heart of gold!  And Norris Eason has to be the most impressive and helpful student that I met while at AGST, he really challenged me to do my best by his commitment level.  Norris you may never read this but you kept me going through some rough patches. 


    I know I'm rambling but I cannot keep in the praise that I have!  This dream of having a degree was not a reality to me!  I remember after the split at my former congregation I took time off from school to reevaluate what I would do.  I almost gave up!  I went to this school to learn more so that I could work in youth ministry and look what God has done!  He placed me with the Avenue G Church of Christ!  God has opened up so many doors for myself and my family.  I am thankful. God is good!  That is all!  Try Him and see for yourself!